Honest daily reports on what I eat. This blog is inspired by aixxx.wordpress.com

Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm tired.

Breakfast after Japanese class: a cup of chicken noodle soup, and a massive salad from salad bar on campus. I ate those fruit mix+cottage cheese later in the afternoon for a snack.
Japanese gummies from my friend. They were delightful! I actually don't know what falvor that was... I hated that Daim chocolate. ewww sticky caramel.
A cup of nutty hot tea. This is a kind of traditional korean tea, called Yulmu tea. Yulmu tea is an adlay tea, and this has extra chopped almonds, walnuts, and jujubes. Yummmm This is the best thing to drink when it's cold out and you're hungry. :)
Dinner at lab meeting. We had a surprise party for the professor's tenure. yay! It's always very inspring to see someone who works very hard receiving appripriate reward. I had some guacamole, black bean salad, fried rice, and a slice of sausage pizza.


  1. It's raining in SF this morning, a cup of yulmucha would be perfect for this weather.

  2. hmmmmmmmmm now I suddenly miss rain. I'm sure I'll see some rainy sky tomorrow here in SC!

  3. 아...나 저런 아침식사 좋아해...

