Honest daily reports on what I eat. This blog is inspired by aixxx.wordpress.com

Monday, September 20, 2010


Breakfast: wegmans yogurt parfait

Roast beef sandwich for lunch. I watched Love and Death by woody Allen , and I loved it so much!!!!! Everyone should watch this movie in the weekend and laugh out loud.

Veggie shot while watching love and death. This is probably my favorite veggie juice. Very powerful fiber as well...

I made some more chopped green salad, and made parmesan chicken with prosciutto and thyme on top. These are Jamie Oliver's recipe. LOVE LOVE LOVE those thyme!!! Organic chicken is so much better but it's really really expensive compared to chickens raised in cage without beak and antibiotics. Ahh cheapness is so tempting!!!

10 days till gre. Fml!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. 여기 나와있는 모든게 유난히 먹고싶다.............

